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Our safeguarding team are available for all pupils, staff and parents who have a concern about the welfare or wellbeing of a member of our community.

DSLs can be contacted via the school office on 01527 962794 or via email 


Mrs C Hughes

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs R Evans

Senior Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead



Mrs Amy Terry

Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Z Gilmour

Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A Crowe

Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead

Mr O Cooke

Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead

Mr Tom Butt

Safeguarding Governor

Mr J Legg

Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead



Contact Us

Church Hill Middle School,
Wood Piece Lane,
Church Hill,
B98 9LR

01527 962794