School overview.
Church Hill Middle School is an RSA founded Academy with students aged between 9 and 13 years, serving a community with a population that is predominantly White British with below average numbers of students from minority ethnic heritages or with English as an additional language. We aim to deal sensitively and honestly with all elements of the RSE curriculum, answer appropriate questions and offer support. We as a school encourage every student to contribute to our community and aim to support each individual as they grow and learn.
At Key stage 2 the students follow The Islington Scheme (PSHE Association approved) Units of work for RSE specific to their year group.
Year 5:
Students learn about the changes that occur during puberty.
- They can identify the physical, emotional, and behavioural changes that occur during puberty for both males and females.
- They understand that puberty is individual and can occur any time between 8-17.
- They understand that body changes at puberty are a preparation.
Year 6:
Students learn to consider different attitudes and values around gender stereotyping and sexuality and consider their origin and impact.
- They understand how our attitudes and values about gender and sexuality may be affected by factors such as religion and culture.
- They can recognise and challenge gender stereotypes.
- They understand how media messages affect attitudes, can cause inequality of opportunity and affect behaviour.
At Key stage 3 the students follow age-appropriate learning objectives taken from the PSHE Alliance Program of Study.
Core Themes:
- How to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships within a range of social/cultural contexts.
- How to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships.
- How to deal with risky or negative relationships including all forms of bullying (including the distinct challenges posed by online bullying) and abuse.
- About the concept of consent in a variety of contexts.
- About managing loss, including bereavement, separation and divorce.
- To respect equality and be a productive member of a diverse community.
- How to identify and access appropriate advice and support.
Year 7 RSE Year 8 RSE
- The different types of relationships and the factors that affect these.
- The qualities and behaviours they should expect and exhibit in a wide variety of positive relationships.
- The roles and responsibilities of people in families and friendships.
- The media portrayal of relationships and the fact that they may not reflect real life.
- To understand intimate relationships, the law and that they are within their rights to set boundaries.
- Understanding the terms relating to sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
- Understanding the terms related to discrimination within relationships.
- Understanding the concept of coercion and consent in relation to the law.
- To recognise peer pressure and to develop strategies to deal with the effects of this within relationships.
- Develop understanding of puberty and anatomical differences between males and females (to be covered in science).
- Introduction to sexual health and contraception.
- Understanding that all kinds of different relationships can cause strong feelings and emotions.
- Understanding the differences between friendship groups and gangs.
- Developing an understanding of the impact of modern technology on relationships.
- Explicit images and the law, how to handle any pressure to share explicit images.
- Understanding the nature and importance of marriage, civil partnerships, and other stable long-term relationships.
- Understanding different types of intimate relationships and the pressures/discrimination people may face.
- Acknowledging the right to not have an intimate relationship until they are ready.
- Understanding consent, various forms sexual contact and of contraception.
- Understanding the concepts of sexual exploitation and forced marriage, understanding that it is illegal.
At KS2 RSE is taught by the student’s class teacher and is broken into approximately 6-8 lessons within a half termly period.
At key stage 3 it is delivered as a block of 12 lessons within the PSHE Curriculum and delivered by the assigned PSHE teacher in the timetabled PSHE slot.
Throughout the school when the assigned teacher is not available the lessons are adjusted as is appropriate for delivery by the member of staff.
Student Support
At both key stages the first point of contact for a student in need of support would be their RSE teacher or class teacher; they will do what they can to help to the best of their ability. If the student does not feel comfortable asking questions out loud there will be question boxes set up in the year group areas for any topic specific questions. Any matters of a safeguarding nature that arise will be dealt with by staff in line with the safeguarding policy.
During the school day there is extra support available from the pastoral teams within school. The students will also be provided with details, during their lessons, of external agencies they can turn to for advice and support.
Monitoring and Assessment
Due to the nature of the subject, there is no formal assessment, however individual teachers will ensure they are aware and monitoring the students carefully to gauge the level of understanding and tackle any causes for concern. At Key Stage 2 this is done in books during the unit and via a self-assessment sheet after the unit is finished. At Key Stage 3 this is done by monitoring and regulating discussions, observing behaviours carefully and monitoring individual books. At a Middle Leadership level monitoring is done by the Subject Lead for PSHE via student voice, learning walks and book monitoring.